Our CEO, Peter Pedross has been elected in December 2014 as the new chairman of the board for computer science at Swiss Association for Quality. Congratulations!
January, 27th, 2015: Swiss Association for Quality (SAQ) www.saq-Informatik.ch
New Chairman of the board at SAQ computer science
At the end of 2014, Rainer Grau has relinquished as chairman of the board for computer science after eight years. We thank Rainer very much for his long time engagement as a chairman. Rainer remains in the department of computer science as a head of the new working group SALC Swiss Agile Leaders.
As his successor, the SAQ Board elected Peter Pedross in unison. He started his duty on January 1st, 2015.
Peter also leads the new working group process management at SAQ.
SAQ is looking forward to the cooperation and wishes him every success in his new role at SAQ.