In May we have restructured our cloud environment to differentiate access for partners and trial users and our internal development and test users. We have also restructured the partners and trial users individual Applied SAFe playground start page for easy navigation through the available demonstration workspaces:
  • 3-Level Applied SAFe 4.0 Demo
  • 4-Level Applied SAFe 4.0 Demo
  • Applied SAFe 3.5 Demo
  • The individual partner or trial user playground where they can create a sub-workspace with their own Applied SAFe instance (Prerequisite:  At least the 2-day QM training)

The new playground provides an easy to use environment to demonstrate the capabilities of Applied SAFe to interested clients and contacts – Have Fun!

This partner call recording provides a short overview about the use of the new playground environment:

The recorded session has the following content and takes 30 minutes:

  • Partner News
  • Restructuring of the individual Applied SAFe Playground
  • Applied SAFe Knowledge Refresher
  • Upcoming Features
  • Q&A