Compliance requirements are increasing and are being enforced ever more systematically (e.g. FDA, FED and FINMA) Regulatory and organisational requirements are becoming ever more demanding. [...]
non-core competencies
Pedco Admin2014-11-27T15:30:27+01:00Outsourcing of non-core competencies Processes are to be designed in a flexible way and at the same time continually improved. This task calls for extensive [...]
specialist teams
Pedco Admin2017-02-14T12:30:14+01:00Outsourcing of specialist teams The continuous maintenance and improvement of software development processes requires the experience and expertise of a team of specialists in this [...]
project monitoring
Pedco Admin2017-02-14T12:30:14+01:00Outsourcing project monitoring and compliance Your process landscape needs to be periodically checked and examined to ascertain its strong and weak points. The same applies [...]
Project management specifications
Pedco Admin2017-02-14T12:30:15+01:00Project management specifications by clients are becoming stricter (e.g. Defence, CMMI etc.) Projects have to be executed even more leanly and yet with a thorough [...]
process training
Pedco Admin2017-02-14T12:30:15+01:00Outsourcing of the process training and the skill management Regular training has to be given about the processes and roles, and the role requirements have [...]
Project implementation
Pedco Admin2015-10-16T16:45:38+02:00Developments in the markets call for an ever more rapid and cost-effective project implementation Innovation cycles are getting shorter and development projects have to get [...]
Skewed projects
Pedco Admin2017-02-14T12:30:15+01:00Growing number of projects which are skewed Projects are getting more demanding – the requirements for accuracy of estimates and for risk management in [...]